Italian Ballo
Guglielmo Ebreo. De practica seu arte tripudii (Pg). 1463.
Longways for three couples

I A1 1-8   8 Saltarelli starting on left
A2 1-8
A3 1-8
B1 1-8
C1 1-8 1st man: 2 Doubles starting on left (going up and around outside of partner to stop by 2nd woman)
9-12 1st man: Riverenza to 2nd woman (touching right hands) while
2nd man: Double on left (to move up next to 1st woman)
C2 1-8 1st man: 2 Doubles starting on left (going down inside 2nd woman, to stop beside 3rd woman)
9-12 1st man: Riverenza to 3rd woman (touching right hands) while
3rd man: Double on left (to move up next to 2nd woman)
D1 1-4 1st man: 2 Pivas starting on left (going down and around below 3rd woman, to end at her left)
E1 1-8   8 Pivas starting on left
E2 1-8
F1 1-4 1st couple: Turn ¾ away from partner (end facing partner)
F2 1-4 2nd couple: Turn ¾ away from partner
F3 1-4 3rd couple: Turn ¾ away from partner
G1 1-6 Take left hands with partner; Single on left, right, trading places
G2 1-6 Take right hands; Single on left, right, trading places (returning to proper side of partner)
II Repeat I with new partners
III Repeat I with new partners (ending with original partners)

In prima faciano tutti otto tempi di saltarello facendo a doi a doi, cio e un huomo & una donna per coppia & fermansi. Apresso l’huomo ch’e di sopra si parta dalla donna sua compagna et vada a trovare la compagna secunda, cio e quella du mezo con tre passi doppij sul pie sinistro, et una riverenza tocchando la mano a quella donna. et poi l’huomo suo compagno ch’e in mezo se parta con un passo doppio sul pie sinistro, et vada a trovare quella donna che e rimasta di sopra. & poi l’huomo primo seguendo con doi passi vada a trovare sul pie sinistro l’altra donna che e di sotto alla terza coppia. et l’huomo che e compagno a quella di sotto se parta con un passo doppio sul pie sinistro, & vada a trovare quella di mezo. et poi quel primo huomo vada per di drieto da quella donna con doi tempi di piva cominciando col sinistro et vada di sotto alla donna. et apresso si partino tutti insieme con quattro tempi di piva todescha, et fermansi. et apresso la coppia di nanci dia una volta tonda. ella coppia secunda poi responsa. et poi il simile faccia la terza. et poi fatto questo se piglino per la mano sinistra et facino doi passi sempij sul pie sinistro, cambiandosi posta per posta. et poi si cambino le mani, et faciano anchora il simile. et apresso, quello ch’era el primo, sia drieto, et quello ch’era drieto sia il secundo. et quello ch’era il secundo sia il primo.   First everyone does eight tempi of saltarello done two by two, that is one man and one woman for each couple and they stop. Next the man who is above departs from the woman who is his partner and goes to visit the second partner, that is the one in the middle, with three doppii on the left foot, and a riverenza touching the hand of that woman. And then the man who is her partner that is in the middle, departs with a doppio on the left foot, and goes to visit that woman that is remaining at the top. And then the first man continuing with two doppii on the left foot goes to visit the other woman that is lower in the third couple. and the man that is the partner of her at the bottom departs with a doppio on the left foot, and goes to visit her of the middle. And then that first man goes behind that woman with two tempi of piva beginning with the left and goes to below the woman. And next they depart all together with four tempi of piva todescha, and they stop. And next the top couple does a volta tonda. The second couple then responds. And then the third does the same. And then they do this, they take left hands and do two sempii on the left foot, changing place for place. And then they change hands, and do again the same. And next, he who had been first, is in back, and he who was in back is second, and he who was second is the first.

Reconstruction by Peter Durham based on that of Ingrid Brainard. Text from Smith transcription of Pg. Translation by Peter Durham.