British Museum Library MS Sloane 3858. 17th or 18th c.
Contains 10 English country dances. Compare to 1st edition Playford.
Transcription and notes by Peter Durham from examination of the original in 1998.
Small book, lots of notes. About 5¾ inches wide, about 7½ inches tall. No obvious headings, name, etc.
Sloane MS library binding; label on spine: "F. Bernard, Misc Papers"
Sloane index says: Bernard (Francis), MD, Physician to James II, and to St. Bartholemews Hospital. Miscellaneous papers, 17th cent 1815; 3858. Other itmes dated 1688-1697, 1679-1683, 1691-1692, 1992, 1694-1697/8.
F1. Accounts, calculations? Calendar notes - Julian 366... 365...
F3. Computandi raiones - lots of astronomical stuff
F15-18. Dances. F15 has "Choreo" at top, not included in transcription.
F19. Right angle, in angle (sines).
F20. Spherical triangles.
F21-33. Section of medicines/prescriptions? An fus: croc: metall - vini soisllittii - salis vitrioli - syrup dt 5 aperi - aqua: cinnam y' fiat vomitorum. /
F35. Latin (?)
F37. De algebra, other math
F44. More rx?
{Sloane f 15r col 1}
Bobing Joe.
Lead up twice.
Sett twice.
First man set to the
next Woman.
First woman set to the
next man:
First man Change place
with the Second man.
Sides twice.
Sett twice.
First woman and Second
man hold hands
ye other goe about:
All hands held, they goe about
(until? while?
will?) the first come unto
ye second place, and
each sets to his owne.
Armes twice.
Sett twice.
The first paire with
hand in hand meet
the second hand in
hand: who breake
{Sloane f 15r col 2}
and follow the
first, who
breake too, and
generally about the
tion of the 2d, till
first come againe to
the seco
nd Station, and then
each turnes his
The Marriners
They first lead up:
they slide along one
before by the other & too to one
side and and fro: and then
turne Backes, then
faces againe. and
then clap hands. firs
their owne together,
then right hands: then
their owne againe
then left hands. then
their owne againe;
then their Thighs: and
with both hands
the both hands of the
The man pass'es to the
next Woman, et e con
verso; and after sides
to one another; slide
as before. &c
{Sloane f 15v col 1}
for 4
They meet hand in hand
leading up, and sett
to their owne twice
Then hand in hand
they fall Back,
meet, first one
and the other passe
rough and are
returning all to
owne places, then
tothert breakes, and
Then Changing Women
hand in hand; they
doe the same:
Bur first set, s
and sett first to
owne, then to the
Armes & setting
to th' one then to
th' other:
Men goo in, women
fall bake: men
fo Women fall
men goe in, take
right hands, turne
onother and then
their owne.
Men go in &c
{Sloane f 15v col 2}
Pasrsons farewell .4.
They (wllh? mllr? walk? meet?) hand in
hand; and then slide
aside one another:
then fall back: and
slide againe till
be opposite.
The Men leape, then
the Women;then all:
then Men fall in
Turne about, the
on onother, and then
their owne Women.
They meet hand in hand
then each takes his neig-
hbours Woman, and
away; then lea
(goo? soo? poo?) em
againe & take their
owne, and lead away.
The Men goe in, th take
first the right
hand, then
the left, and both
(hetd? held?)
turne about and
turne their Owne:
The Women goe in take
first the left hand
They meet with both
hands &c
The man turnes his Wo
man, about and walks
the hay his Woman
{Sloane f 16r col 1}
owing him: to the other
Then the Woman (kimes? turnes?)
the man &c.
The Boone Companion
Lead up: then the
First thorough all
and every man about
Lead up, (the? she? then?) faces the
other way: and the
first back againe &c
The men Sett to the
women, then passse
round about them
faces the same way:
The women Sett: &c
Sides, the first thorough
and back againe:
Men and Women chan-
ge plcaes; and whiles
the men goe abut, the
women they come
to their owne side..
The same againe, and
the men are as they
were before.
{Sloane f 16r col 2}
Armes, and thorough.
Hands, and then Clap
hands, and first the
uppermost foure halfe
(inserted between these lines:) together and lowermost
take hands and (or come? once?) round
Clap hands againe
and then the men
and women by
Lead up, and sett twice.
Two first men fall back
hand in hand, and soe
the two first women
together, then they meete
and passe throrough quite
then fall back, tac take
hands backward, and
about. till the first come
to the second place,
and then they sett each
to his owne.
Sides twice.
(inserted between these lines: Two first Women)
Men and Change places
First man againe wth
the second woman, et
e converso, and soe
{Sloane f 16v col 1}
hand in hand round
till they (inserted: first) Come to the
2d place.
Armes Twice
First man with both
hands tekes both his
hands (inserted: whiles he) leads her
thorough the next two
casts her over over
to the mens site, the
man goes about the
woman, and his made
(inkblot - his?) man, and shees
(inkblot)est back againe
tot the Womens side
Lead up.
(rest of page, including 2d column, is blank)
{Sloane f 17r col 2} (page has many inkblots)
Ladie Dutchesse
Lead up
The Two uppermost
(inserted between lines:) and lowermost
fall of and Slide
Downe, and there (or then?)
turne single, and
then with the Low-
ermost that (or what?) in the
same manner (llisd? slipd?)
into the middle, hand
in hand (inkblot) turne
In the Meane time
the Middlemost
hand in hand goe
up to their respective
Ends, there slide from
one another, and then
turne their (mutey? mates?)
The two middlemost
(inserted between lines:) man and women
take hands and cast
of to the uppoermost
(inkblot - there? then?) turne round
single, and fall
in with their
{Sloane f 17r col 2}
mates round about
the uppoermost which
then are middlemost
till againe they Come
to be uppermost.
In the Meane time
the two uppermost fall
in turne round and
then turne round abo
ut the upper
The Middlemost fall
in, the uppermost fall
o(inkblot): the midd
lemost turne their
mates to the other
side, (inserted: halde) turne the ex-
treames of that side
they are on and then
half turne their
mates and they are
in the uppoermost
Note every of these
changes is twice
{Sloane f 17v col 1}
Jog on.
Lead up.
The two uppermost
fall of, pass the
Next couple in, and
then all foure hand
in hand turne round
The (inserted: two) uppermost both
hands in hands
come below the
two middlemost
both hands in hands.
and the man turnes
the man the woman
the woman.
The 2 uppermost
come (or dance?) to the next"
the man cast the
woman to the (turne?)
the next man about,
and he turnes the
next woman, and
both turns one
{Sloane f 17v col 2}
Sheppheards Holi-
of 6
They lead up, turne
their mates to the
other sides.
The two uppermost
fall within, the
middlemost, the (blurred, nli-?)
(blurred, W?)(inkblot - Middle? Upper?) most with (retaind?)
and all turne round
to their places.
Then the neitherm
fall in, the Upper-
most, and turne
about the other way
to their owne places
Sides, and turne (inkblot) a-
nd single.
They cha extreames
change sides, and then
the middle
most, and the
sides goe the hay
Then the middle
most first change
sides, and the Extrem
es, and the hay againe
{Sloane f 18r col 1}
Arme, and round
They clap hands
The men and Wo-
mean apart (inkblot - t? of?) hands
in hand meete and
fall of againe. then
hand in hand they
turne round;
they apart nnow
fall in then back
fall back & then meete
then hand in hand
backe and turne round
into their owne places
Jack Pudding (maybe different hand? lighter ink...)
(inkblot)(gin? fin?) by two stand (triangle? hiangk?)
wise, faces the same way.
They lead up.
The two hind most, goe (inserted above: halfe) round
those on ye (inserted above: left) right hand before,
when they are come behind
passe under their hands and
all four
then goes to the
other two, and then the
four formost turne
round hand in hand.
THey Set.
then ye men fall in
hold up their hands
{Sloane f 18r col 2}
together while their
passe under about their
Then the women fall
in &c.
They her
the two hindmost
(rest of column is blank)