Lioncello Vecchio
(Old Lioncello)
Italian Ballo
Domenico da Piacenza, De arte saltandi et choreas ducendi (Pd), 1455
One couple

I A1 1-8   6 Saltarelli starting on left
A2 1-8
A3 1-8
B1 1-2 Man: Movimento
3-4 Woman: Movimento
5-8 Man: Saltarello on right, passing in front of partner to right side; Face up
B2 1-8 Repeat B1 reversing gender
C1 1-12 Man: 4 Singles and 1 Double starting on left (running away from partner)
C2 1-12 Repeat C1 reversing gender (the woman catches up)
D1 1-8 Man: 4 Contrapassi starting on left (fast Doubles, quickly running away from partner)
D2 1-8 Repeat D1 reversing gender (the woman catches up again)
E1 1-18 Man: 2 Singles and 2 Doubles starting on left (slowly running away from partner)
19-36 Woman: 2 Singles and 2 Doubles starting on left (catching up one last time)
F1 1-12 Ripresa left and right (join hands; together at last)
13-30 2 Singles and 2 Doubles, starting on left
31-42 Ripresa left and right
G1 1-3 Man: Movimento
4-6 Woman: Movimento
II Repeat I, reversing gender (so the woman runs away, and the man catches up)

Ballo called Lioncello, created by Mister Domenico, for two, a man and woman: In the beginning, hand in hand, they perform six tempi of salterello in the misura of quadernaria, beginning with the left foot. The man performs a movimento and the woman responds to him. The man performs a tempo of saltarello largo beginning with the right foot, passing in front of the woman, going equal to her right side. He performs a mezavolta on the right foot, from the right side. The woman performs a movimento and the man responds to her. The woman goes to the side of the man with a tempo of saltarello and a mezavolta, ending equal to the right side of the man. All of this above and the following is in the misura of quadernaria. The man departs with four sempi and a doppio beginning with the left foot. The woman follows him with similar steps. The man performs three doppi on the left. (Two versions call for four contrapassi here.) The women follows with similar steps. The man departs with three tempi in the misura of bassadanza, performing two sempi and two doppi beginning with the left foot. The woman follows the man with similar steps. They join hands and perform seven tempi of bassadanza, that is, first, two riprese beginning with the left foot, two sempi, two doppi beginning with the left, and two riprese, one on the left, the other on the right. The man performs a movimento and the woman responds to him. These movimenti require two tempi of quadernaria It ends. They repeat it from the top, and the woman goes in front, then they go to rest.

Reconstruction by Peter and Janelle Durham. Text from Smith's consolidated translation.